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We combined efforts with RJF Equine and each of us purchased 20 acres in
Meeker, Oklahoma. There is lots of fencing that needs to be done to safely
secure the mustangs and burros on the property. We also are in need of shelters a barn and a container for hay storage. We currently fund and care for 80 plus Mustangs saved from auctions and kill-pens. These horses are currently housed at our sanctuary and in foster care & boarding ranches throughout the Midwest. Many will stay as Wild Horses but just as many
are calm and very sweet and with gentling and rehab and will make great domestic partners.
Our plan for this ranch would be to create a self sustaining facility that rescues, rehabs, and re-homes those that are able and provides sanctuary for those who are not. We have many seniors that would be great as pasture pals or for human companionship In addition to caring for the horses - The ranch would offer camping, tours, educational clinics and events.
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